Flogging therapy - Flagellation cures all




(S. V. Speransky, M. G. Chukhrova, N. K. Zhukov
State unitary research institute of hygiene, state unitary research institute of therapy, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of medical sciences
JSC “Spasitelniy put’” (“Salvation path”), Novosibirsk, Russia

Addictive behavior is the manifestation of so called devitalization activities, i.e. biological activities and ways of behavior directly lowering the vitality. Apart from alcoholism, drug addiction, and other types of addictions, devitalization activities include various forms of suicidal behavior, depressions, obsessions, and some forms of psychosomatic pathology. While the suicidal behavior leads directly to death, the addictive behavior, depression, and psychosomatic pathology lead away from real life, and can also be considered as devitalization activities (Yu. R. Vagin, 2001). In psychiatry, these states are to be treated by the active pharmacological and psychological therapy, still being hard to cure at present. As this takes place, every illness (depression episode, alcoholism, drug addiction, unfinished suicide, obsessions, or psychosomatic pathology) has got strictly specified set of medical methods and remedies, which are known to be not always efficient. Here, the fact that all these illnesses are based upon the devitalization activities, which pathologic and physiological substrate is the decrease of elaborating of endorphins, or lowering of sensitivity of endorphin receptors, is not taken into consideration.
As the pathogenetic method of treatment, we bring to your notice the method of algetic exposure, which we called the flogging therapy. A patient, suffering from a manifestation of the devitalization activities, gives written consent his buttocks to be flogged in some series of 5 blows each, up to 60 blows at one procedure in all. A person of average constitution takes the blows in full strength. Needless to say that it is difficult to dose the strength of the blows, but that is not obligatory as the intensity of exposure is determined individually. According to the level of pathology, the patient is to be flogged from one time a day to one time a week, 30 procedures in all.
Being an algetic exposure, flogging therapy produces activation of endorphin receptors, ejection of endorphins on completion of the procedure as the reaction to algetic exposure. As a result, the patient begins to enjoy life as before.
A type of flogging therapy called “pravezh” (correcting) was applied in the Russian culture. In the beginning of the former century, there was a clinic in Germany, where some illnesses were treated by whipping and flogging (S. V. Speransky, 2003). But the view of “inhumane character” of the flogging therapy, widely spread in medical science, has resulted in unjustified ignoring of that really efficient method of control over devitalization activities.
In former Soviet times, there was the remedy for healing unfinished suicides, drug-addictions, and alcoholism. It was sulphozine, which was taken as intramuscular injections of sulfur suspension in peach-kernel oil. These injections were of “educational” character as they caused pain, fever, and made striving for life come back again. This was an auxiliary method with a vividly pronounced repressive character. According to recommendation of the World Health Organization, sulphozine therapy has actually disappeared from the arsenal of psychiatrists’ methods since the end of 1980-s, and it is now of really limited usefulness, and is used with the consent of the patient and his family.
However, those positive results that had been previously achieved through sulphozine therapy of the grave forms of drug-addiction, second tries to commit suicide, depressive states, made us pay attention to analogous methods of treating our patients. It has been observed that flogging therapy makes the vital activity of a patient come back to him with devitalization activities disappear.
Algetic stimulation synchronized in frequency and phase as a massive exposure by signals of the equal sensor modality is likely to allow disruption of the compliance of the starting (at the moment of healing) dynamic stereotype, and to transform biological system into a new physiological state with the correspondent transformation of its metabolism. A strong torrent of algetic stimulation “erases” the pathological programs, breaks the conditioned reflex pathological links, and generates general stimulation of the central nervous system, particularly in the affective-genetic zones. One more psycho-physiological tool of positive exposure of the flogging therapy is recovery influenced by the intensive algetic stimulation of inter-hemispherical relationships. In the process of therapy the left hemisphere, which level of activation is rather low at different forms of addictive behavior, is being activated, and the inversion of inter-hemispherical reflection, obvious at addictions, is being recovered (M. G. Chukhrova, N. A. Stepushina, 2002). There are also neuro-humoral, immune and other tools of positive exposure in flogging therapy, but we will not apply to them.
These are some most typical clinical examples:
Example. Patient K., 24, has been heroin-addicted for 5 years, with short remissions. He has repeatedly experienced various methods, including the ones practiced in the clinic of Dr. Nazaraliev. When coming to the first flogging therapy procedure, he was in the state of abstinence from heroin of a middle degree. The latest receipt of the drug was the day before. He passed the flogging therapy course of 15 – 60 blows as their number increased. The effect was really surprising: phenomena of abstinence were interrupted, patient’s sleep was restored, his spirit turned to become stable and normal, living activity appeared, the patient found a job, where he is working now. Catamnesis in a 2.5-year period – remission is stable, spirit is high, has got a job, has got positive plans for the future, and is not going to turn back to drugs again.
Thirty people have passed flogging therapy procedures for 3 years, every case being characterized with good or excellent results. All the patients addressed themselves to flogging therapy voluntarily, and in most instances – anonymously. On completion of the course, the majority of them periodically decided to repeat flogging therapy procedures as the first alarming symptoms appeared.
Flogging therapy should be accepted to be one of the most efficient methods of restoring disrupted balance and living activities. Flogging therapy can be really helpful to a large number of people, struggling to overcome the most difficult crises and a number of unhealthy states.)
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